Administrative Law and Competition

Administrative Law and Competition
From Bidding to Administrative Resource
The administrative law and competition are an important area of the office. Both in the consultative or litigious advisory. Furthermore, regarding the administrative law, the office provides support and guidance on:
- Federal Acquisition Regulation/Procurement;
- Analysis and appeal of Procurement Notice;
- Development of juridical defenses, representation and complaints in general;
- Monitoring all Bidding steps/Procurement Process;
- Elaboration of legal actions to challenge decisions taken during the bidding process;
- Elaboration of articles, memos and informative statements about administrative law in general;
- Administrative pleadings;
- Class actions/ Public civil actions.
Por anos, a Prefeitura de São Paulo exigia que prestadores de serviços de outros municípios realizassem o Cadastro de Empresas de…