Asset Protection

Asset Protection
Asset Guarantee and Preservation
With the economic and investment rise, the risks that the family and personal patrimony, investors, entrepreneurs and business owners are taking increases concurrently.
“PIN GREGORIO LAWYER” developed and has been improving, according to the law and its constant modifications, researches and studies exploring methods by which our clients can plan their and their family asset perpetuation, preparing these assets for future generations.
The methodology of asset protection involves, among other themes, operations with a specific corporate structure, e.g. holdings, focused on estate planning, such as other kinds of corporate structures that enables asset protection and perpetuation.
Asset protection can be summarized as a careful and prudent application of the rights to guarantee the personal/corporate’s asset preservation, by analyzing the risks and the scenario that they are included.
These risks have several causes, such as economic crises, death of key people on business operations or even someone from the family, natural causes, competition, and the increase of tax burden, amongst others causes.
The protection does not lend itself on how it is possible to handle illegal operations to evade taxation or to con creditors, but to legally assure determined assets and to adhere the most beneficial tax regime to our client. It is important to say that tax in Brazil exercises a social function, and we believe and understand that it should be paid correctly but our concern is to adapt our clients to the fairest taxation regime.
At this point, as a legislation expert, PIN GREGORIO LAWYERS acts through consultancy and juridical assistance aiming to assure the asset protection, securing for the client the best legal method to meet their security needs.
"Payroll re-taxation" – Law 13.670/2018
Com a publicação da Lei 13.670/2018 em 30/05/2018, além de diversas outras medidas, adveio uma redução drástica no rol de empresas…