
Pin Gregorio Lawyers
The “PIN GREGORIO LAWYERS SOCIETY” office develops activities focused on our client's needs.
Covering a wide range of legal issues, and equipped with multidisciplinary skills, we provide service and essential monitoring on judicial and extrajudicial cases.
Acting in a wide area of law, we count with qualified partners and professionals. We have the constant concern in providing the best and fastest solution for all cases that might be related to our clients, whether a company or a person, having as our main objective reaching excellence and transparency, offering safety, security, and seeking to enforce justice.
Our Team
Por anos, a Prefeitura de São Paulo exigia que prestadores de serviços de outros municípios realizassem o Cadastro de Empresas de…
"Payroll re-taxation" – Law 13.670/2018
Com a publicação da Lei 13.670/2018 em 30/05/2018, além de diversas outras medidas, adveio uma redução drástica no rol de empresas…